0x52b5211db9982d20 (PGP/MIT)
Guifre Ruiz

Welcome folks! My name is Guifre /gIfɾɛ/ Ruiz, I am a software engineer originally from Spain and currently living in the UK.

My main interests include software security, compiler design and networking. However, I enjoy building and breaking all sorts of (not so complex) systems. I currently work designing security testing technology, automating the boring stuff to make pentesters' life easier.

In this site I organize notes of random topics I am learning. Whether I am researching a new subject reading a book or experimenting, documenting the main ideas helps me to learn about it. I keep it online as a data loss prevention system and to reference them quickly. To improve writing performance, this site is written in my flavoured human-readable markup language and built to HTML in a continuous delivery pipeline. Client-side it only uses a small JS library for syntax highlithing.

You can also reach me out at Twitter, Github, Linkedin and my blog.
